Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Do Rehab Therapeutic Communities Work?

Therapeutic communities have been proven to be highly effective in achieving the best treatment outcomes for those that suffer from addiction. This has been evidenced through lengthily studies conducted by the National Institutes on Drug Abuse (NIDA).
Also referred to as third stage accomodation, sober living, supported housing and tertiary care, therapeutic communities provide a safe and controlled transition from rehab treatment into society and day to day sober living.

Achieving The Best Treatment Outcomes Possible

The objective of a therapeutic community is to support alcoholics and addicts in maintaining their recovery within the community. Third stage supported housing provides a secure foundation for this to happen.
Those that are new to recovery will reap many benefits of staying within a stable drug free environment, that not only provides randomised alcohol and drug testing but also ongoing support through addiction therapy – supplied by the associated drug & alcohol rehab.
The local community is made up from other shared sober living houses. The houses are conveniently situated close to town, local 12 Step meetings such as NA, AA, CA etc, as well as facilities supporting further education and training.

Long-Term Rehabilitation Works Best

The National Institutes on Drug Abuse (NIDA) provided the following chart evidencing that therapeutic communities achieve the best addiction treatment outcomes in terms of preventing relapse and enhancing recovery from behavioural issues:
As you can see from the above chart, alcohol and drug use was substantially reduced as were suicidal thoughts and attempts. Impressively, there is nearly a 20% increase in gaining full-time employment for those that stayed in therapeutic communities for more than 6 months, against those who did not.

These statistics show that the longer an individual stays within a recovery focused environment, the better their chances of integrating successfully into a life free from addictive substances.
Who Is Suitable For A Therapeutic Community?
Therapeutic communities are becoming more popular in the addiction treatment field and are considered a particularly effective module of treatment in achieving and maintaining long term recovery from alcoholism and drug addiction.
Therapeutic communities are best suited to:
  • Those that are new to recovery from alcohol and drugs
  • Recovering alcoholics and addicts who are homeless and rootless.
  • Those who do not have a safe or stable home environment to return to following rehab.
  • Those for whom it would be dangerous for them to return back home after rehab (i.e – local drug dealers, partners who are in active addiction, threat of violence)
  • Those that have completed rehab but would be return home to live alone with no local support
  • Vulnerable individuals who have completed rehab but require ongoing additional support.
There are many instances where an individual would benefit from third stage supported housing following on from a rehab programme. Each individuals case needs to be assessed on its own individual treatment criteria. In the majority of cases housing benefit can be claimed to cover the cost of rent.
What Do Therapeutic Communities Help With?
Therapeutic communities help those that suffer from addiction, substance misuse problems, dual diagnosis and behavioural problems.
Initially a period of detoxification and stabilization is required; for most this will mean an inpatient programme in a treatment centre or rehab clinic.
Once safely separated from alcohol, drugs and harmful behaviours and once a period of stability and abstinence has been established, a therapeutic community can then be of maximum benefit.
In essence, recovery communities help an individual to further establish the foundations of recovery from their addiction and the behaviours that were once associated with it. They provide an alcoholic or addict with the time, resources and support to flourish within the early days of recovery – when they are at highest risk of relapse.
No Quick Fix To Addiction
It has been recognised from many years that there is no quick fix when it comes to treating addiction successfully. Yes, an alcohol detox or drug detox may seemingly resolve the problem, but this is only a temporary measure.
The real therapeutic work starts once the individual’s brain and body has been cleared of mood and mind altering substances. They then have a better chance of understanding and implementing new and healthier coping strategies that will help them to stay sober and clean.
Addiction is a lifelong illness, it requires commitment and hard work in order to maintain recovery. Therapeutic communities make this whole process easier, as they are focused solely on recovery and personal growth. They provide an opportunity to practice clean and sober living before returning back to the “real world”, as it were.
Rehab Therapeutic Community In Essex
Step by Step Recovery offer the opportunity of third stage supported housing to patients that graduate from our Lighthouse rehab clinic in Southend-on-sea, Essex near London. We believe in the therapeutic value of addicts supporting one another in recovery and so we have created a safe and supportive community to enable that to happen.
Our third stage sober living accommodation is an extension of our inpatient addiction treatment, with the added freedom for independent choice and continual learning and growth. Our patients are reintegrated back into society gradually, in safe and supported manner.
Our aim is to help each and every individual that walks through our doors to stay abstinent from alcohol and drugs and to gain the tools required to maintain long term freedom from alcohol, drugs and addictive behaviours. Furthermore, we help our patients to achieve their dreams and create a life for themselves where drinking and using would be unthinkable.
The Original article Published at stepbysteprecovery

How To Help A Family Member With Drug Addiction

If you are reading this, the chances are that you have someone close to you, perhaps a family member, partner or a friend who is struggling with a drug addiction.

Getting a loved one to seek help for an addiction is often a very challenging and draining process. What is clearly evident to you and to others, they simply cannot or will not see and admit the truth.
We hope that this post will provide some insight into your loved ones thinking and how to best approach the subject of drug rehab and addiction treatment with them.

Signs And Symptoms Of Drug Abuse

Part of the problem when it comes to confronting a family member or loved one around using drugs is the uncertainty if they actually are. You may have suspicions, but is that enough to challenge them and get them to seek help? Probably not.
Unless a drug addict is faced with the cold hard facts about themselves, they are likely to just deny that there is a problem. There can be one of two reasons for this:
  1. Addiction causes deluded thinking, they may genuinely think they are in control.
  2. If they admit that they have a problem then they are admitting that they need help; they may not have reached the point yet where they are willing to stop.
It is useful to look for signs and symptoms of drug abuse and present these to them as genuine reasons for concern.

Physical signs of drug abuse:

  • The pupils of their eyes are abnormally large or extremely small
  • Dramatic changes in weight and appetite
  • Sleeping too much or sleeping too little and at odd times
  • They struggle to concentrate and hold a conversation
  • Their speech is unusually slurred, excited and fast, or delayed and slow
  • They are neglecting their physical appearance and hygiene

Behavioural symptoms of drug abuse:

  • A marked change in their personality and they are acting out of character
  • They seem lethargic or full of energy (depending on the drug they may swap between the two)
  • Depression and loss of interest in family and old friends
  • Ritualistic behaviour
  • They are easily irritated and can be unusually aggressive
  • Dramatic changes in their priorities
  • Involvement in crime
  • They have suddenly gained a new network of friends
  • Isolating and being non communicative
  • Secrecy and dishonesty
Signs and symptoms of drug abuse can vary depending on the drug. Any marked change in their appearance and behaviour should not be ignored.

If you have found drugs or drug paraphernalia (items that are used to administer drugs) then it is highly likely that they do have a drug problem or a drug addiction. That being the case, you should speak to them about seeking treatment.

Tips On Speaking To Your Family Member About A Drug Addiction

Broaching this subject is not easy, you may have mentioned your concerns before only for them to be dismissed or met with defensiveness.
Timing is important, try to speak to your loved one when you are calm and they are approachable. We suggest that choose a time when they are not intoxicated. Otherwise it is very unlikely that you will get any reason from them or that they will be able to recall the conversation after.
It is also helpful to educate yourself around addiction and the drug you suspect they are using. It is also important to suggest a viable solution to the problem.
Tip 1: Speak to them when they are not high and seem approachable
Tip 2: Keep your manner calm, approachable and factual
Tip 3: If there are other household or family members that they are likely to listen to, do ask them to get involved.
Tip 4: Present the evidence of why you think they have a problem with drugs. Relate specific incidents where they were under the influence.
Tip 5: Do not accuse, express your concerns based on fact
Tip 6: Tell them how their behaviour is affecting you and the rest of the household
Tip 7: Tell them what you know of drug addiction and that you understand that they need professional help
Tip 8: Offer to support them in accessing addiction treatment or drug rehab.
Once you have finished expressing your wish for them to get help, you may be surprised in that they acknowledge that they have a problem. If they still deny there is a problem, despite evidence to the contrary, leave the talk until the next time they surface from a drug binge.

What To Do If They Want Help

If your family member admits that they want help and that their drug problem or addiction is out of control, if financially viable, inpatient drug rehab offers the best addiction treatment outcome. Drug rehab also offers a medical and secure environment in which they can be safely and comfortably detoxed.
If they want help but you do not have the means to finance private rehab, suggest that your loved one contacts their local drug and alcohol team and also Narcotics Anonymous to find out where there is a local meeting they can attend.
If private rehab is an option please do call us to discuss our residential treatment programme. Alternatively, complete our online assessment form and we will call you.
The Original article Published at stepbysteprecovery

Finding A Cheap Rehab In London

If you or a loved one live in the London area and are looking for a cheap rehab, we can help.
Private addiction treatment in London is notoriously expensive. As the capital of England, London’s prices tend to be inflated; this is reflected in the cost of drug and alcohol rehabs in London.
The Office for National Statistics estimates that there is a population of nearly 9 million people currently living in the Greater London area. With only a handful of luxury London rehabs available their demand is very great. It is this demand that enables London rehab centres to increase their costs. This understandably will seem very unfair, but we have just the solution that you are looking for!

London Rehab Standards, Cheaper Cost

The Lighthouse addiction treatment centre in Southend-on-sea in Essex, owned by Step by Step Recovery offers a luxury rehabexperience at a very affordable cost, much cheaper than the London rehabs.
Ideally located only a short walk from the beautiful sandy beaches of the Southend-on-sea coast, The Lighthouse rehab is a fully residential rehab that delivers only the latest in evidence based addiction treatments.
Step by Step Recovery believe that completely individualised treatment is essential to long term recovery from alcoholism and drug addiction.
Our residential treatment centre houses a maximum of 11 patients at any one time, thus ensuring that there is a high counsellor to patient ratio and that staff are always available when needed.
We facilitate full medical alcohol and drug detoxes as well as bespoke rehabilitation programmes, with the option to move on to our therapeutic community sober living houses and free aftercare for life.
Much like the top London rehab clinics we offer ensuite bedrooms decorated to a very high standard and delicious and nutritious meals prepared by our very own Chef. Treatment programmes are tailored to each patients individual treatment needs, ensuring that no stone is left unturned and that comprehensive healing takes place.
We specialise in treating alcohol and drug addiction, along with common co occurring illnesses such as Depression and Anxiety Disorder. Also like the London rehabs we have our own Consultant Psychiatrist and full holistic therapy programme including massage, mindfulness, meditation and yoga.

A Peaceful Place To Relax And Recover

As everyone knows London can be very busy and noisy, we are located in a peaceful location away from the hussle and bussle of daily life. The Lighthouse rehab is situated only an hours drive from most parts of London and is also on the main train line from central London. With easy access to and from the city, it is convenient for family and friends to visit. We are also only a short drive away from Southend airport.
Call us direct or complete on online assessment form to contact us. Your recovery from alcohol and drug addiction can start as soon as today. You have our guarantee that our dedicated team of professionals are fully committed to helping you to get well and live an alcohol free and drug free life for the rest of your life.
The Original article Published at stepbysteprecovery